
Town Rates Department

Town Rates Section Overview

Nausori Town Council is a home for 4,567 rate payers, here at NTC we pride ourselves in providing essential services such as Solid Waste Management, grass cutting and drain cleaning, Sporting facilities, Markets and other essential services. Our main source of revenue is from Rates and Garbage levy. Rate assessments are based on the un-improved capital value of each property multiply by the approved rates struck for all rateable properties across Nausori boundary. Nausori has been divided into 3 wards:

WardsNumber of Rate Payers
1. Nausori Ward1733
2. Davuilevu Ward647
3. Naulu/Nakasi Ward2187


Please download and complete the Ratepayer Profiling form and mail to:

The Chief Executive Officer
Nausori Town Council
P O Box 72

Or email a scanned copy to nausoritown@ntc.com.fj or contact Rates enquiries on (679) 3477133 Mob: 9988642 for further clarifications.

Payment Options

Rate payers must obtain an official validated receipt when making payments. NTC will not accept responsibility where such receipts are not obtained. There are several payment options available to enable the ratepayers to make rate payments, as listed below:

  • Payment in Person

Payments can be made via by the Cashier at the main office situated at Lot 1, Wainibokasi road, Nausori. Payment can be made by Cash, Cheque, Debit card, Mpaisa/ Mycash QR codes.

 Cashier Opening Hours

Monday – Thursday8.00 am-4.00pm
Saturday9.00am – 1.00pm
Public Holiday’sClosed
  • M Paisa/ MyCash

Payments can also be made through M Paisa and My Cash applications and the accounts will be updated upon receipt of funds. PLEASE WRITE DOWN YOUR ASSESMENT NUMBER

  • Direct Deposit/Internet Banking

For direct deposits or Internet Banking, rates could be paid through:

BankAccount Number

Please mention the assessment number on the narrative so that the rate officers will be able to update your account.

Source Deduction

Rates could also be made through source deductions. However, arrangements would have to be made by the individual rate payer with their organizations. Source deduction forms can be obtained from the front counter or can be emailed to you upon request.


If you are having difficulty in paying rates, please contact council at the earliest opportunity to arrange a payment schedule that is agreeable both to council and the ratepayer. This is essential to avoid council taking legal action to recover the outstanding rates. Please present yourselves at the Rates enquiries counter to complete the arrangement forms (conditions apply), please be advised that the arrangement form for rates arrears only.

Rates Calculations & Categories

Council rates are charged, using the unimproved value of the land for each property and is normally charged on the different categories of land. When charging rates, Council also applies one of the following land categories:

  • Residential
  • Commercial
  • Industrial
  • Civic

Rates are calculated by the application of the rate in the dollar, which is decided on by the Council during the preparation of the budget each year, multiplied by the unimproved capital value (UCV) of each individual property.

Defaulting Ratepayers

Please note that if you don’t pay your rates on time Nausori Town Council takes the following actions:

  • Take legal action for recovery
  • Place a charge / caveats on the property
  • Will not release the approved building plans

Change of Address or Ownership of Property

If you have changed your postal, email,mobile or physical address or have recently transferred ownership of any property owned, you are to immediately notify the Nausori Town Council.

Notice of Sale or Transfer of Property

The Local Government Act states that the CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER must be advised within 1 month of any sale or transfer of property. The relevant section of the act reads as follows:

  • Subject to the provisions of this section –
    • The person liable to pay rates and the transferee in any case where the person so liable transfers his estates or interest in rateable land;
    • The mortgagee of rateable land in any case where under the provisions of the mortgage he enters into possession of the land;
    • The trustee, executor or administrator of the estate or interest in rateable land of the deceased person, shall within one month of such transfer, entry into possession, grant or probate or letters of administration, as the case may require, GIVE NOTICE THEREOF TO THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER, NAUSORI TOWN COUNCIL.
  • Subject to the provisions of paragraph above, it shall not be necessary for a mortgagee to give notice of any mortgage nor of the discharge thereof.

 Sale of Land on which Rates are Outstanding

The new owner is responsible for the payment of any rates plus interest owing on the land purchased.

Do you need help?

If you have any question,
Feel free to call us

Call Us Today At 3477133 or Email: nausoritown@ntc.com.fj

Wainibokasi Road, Nausori, Fiji Islands

Opening Hours:

Mon – Fri: 8:00 am – 4:30 pm

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